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Eisenbahn Filme
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Steam Power! Railway in Germany Part 1: 1835-1919, 1 DVD-Video
- DVD -
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Erschienen bei: ZYX Music GmbH

Medium: DVD
Erschienen: 2008
Laufzeit: ca. 50 Min.
Sprache: Englisch

EAN: 090204916481
P-Nr.: 7045E

Best.-Nr.: 22111893
EUR 11.99
inkl. MwSt.
Lieferzeit: 2-5 Tage
zzgl. Versandkosten

The history of railway in Germany is not only the history of a means of transport that radically changed and accelerated the traffic system in 19th century Germany as no other system has ever done before. It is also the history of a technical master piece that heralded the transition of a society marked by craft and agriculture to an industrialised society and prosperity as never imagined before.

On December 7th 1835 the steam age had begun in Germany with the legendary steam powered “Adler” going from Nuremberg to Fuerth.

The first DVD of a four-volume series illuminates the years 1835 until the end of World War I with plenty of historical documents and photos. Also, in a humorous short movie, the founders of the very first German railway remember the Adler’s history while they ride on it along the historical route Nuernberg-Fuerth.

Format: NTSC Codefree
Bildformat: 16:9
Tonformat: Dolby digital 2.0
Disc-Type: DVD-5

FSK ab 0 freigegeben

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