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Eisenbahn Bücher Regionen & Verkehrsgeschichte
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Railways of the Andes
Autor: Fawcett, Brian
Text in englisch
Erschienen bei: Plateway Press

Einband: Gebunden
Erschienen: Januar 1998
224 S., zahlr. Abb.
18 x 24 cm

ISBN-10: 1-871980-31-3
ISBN-13: 978-1-871980-31-8
EAN: 9781871980318

Best.-Nr.: 11305827
EUR 35.00
inkl. MwSt.
Lieferzeit: 2-5 Tage
keine Versandkosten

The Andes rank as the world's longest uninterrupted mountain range, extending over 4,000 miles parallel to the west coast of South America. With summits up to 20,000 ft, they act as a barrier separating the Pacific seaports from the mineral riches of Argentina, Chile, Peru and Bolivia. Few areas of the world can be less promising for the aspiring railway builder ...added to the problems of topography are extremes of climate, regular geological instability, and continuous political barrier ...a triumph of engineering skill and ingenuity over formidable natural obstacles.

First published in 1963, "Railways of the Andes" has been out of print for 30 years. This new Edition incorporates Fawcett's oroginal text - unaltered and unexpurgated - plus a new Preface and Introduction. It includes some of Fawcett's original maps, supplemented by some more detailed new cartography, 'period' artwork and advertisements and a fine selection of photographs, dating from the 1870s, many being the work of the Author himself.

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