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Eisenbahn Bücher Regionen & Verkehrsgeschichte
Early Japanese Railways 1853-1914
Autor: Free, Dan
Engineering Triumphs That Transformed Meiji-Era Japan
Text in englisch
Erschienen bei: Tuttle Publishing

Einband: Kartoniert
Erschienen: Mai 2014
288 S., zahlr. Abb.
21,5 x 27 cm

ISBN-10: 4-8053-1290-4
ISBN-13: 978-4-8053-1290-2
EAN: 9784805312902

Best.-Nr.: 11305830
EUR 22.00
inkl. MwSt.
Lieferzeit: 2-5 Tage
zzgl. Versandkosten

In Early Japanese Railways 1853-1914, Dan Free tells the fascinating story of the rise of Japanese rail amidst a period of rapid modernization during Japan's Meiji era. Leaving behind centuries of stagnation and isolation, Japan would emerge into the 20th century as a leading modern industrialized state. The development of the railways was a significant factor in the cultural and technological development of Japan during this pivotal period. Free's rare photographic and historical materials concerning Japan's early railways, including a print showing the miniature steam engine brought to Japan by Admiral Perry aboard his "Black Ships" to demonstrate American superiority, combine to form a richly detailed account that will appeal to students of Japanese history and railway buffs alike.
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